Kindergarten platform
Apr 2022 – Sep 2024
Product strategy, UI/UX, Prototyping
In development
Diguidou is an AI-powered management app for kindergartens. It helps kindergartens, educators, and parents communicate with each other, control and boost children's development, and ease the documentation flow.
I joined the team in 2022 as a sole designer almost at the initial stage of the project. My goal was to create a digital environment for kindergartens where they can manage children and additionally, facilitate seamless communication between teachers and parents.
We conducted researches, and reviewed open sources
CJM was developed, then we received a list of hypotheses to use in the interface
The hypotheses from the previous step formed the foundation of the interface
We finalized the main style, and I designed the product UI
We gathered data by distributing surveys to kindergarten administrators, educators, and parents, receiving responses from 52 participants. Additionally, we conducted multiple interviews with administrators and child development specialists. Our research also included competitor analysis and a review of open-source information.
Device usage
of administrators and educators use multiple tools for management
For example, in-class boards to check children's presence, spreadsheets to control government-required forms, Facebook to share photos and news, various blogs and forums to look for activities for children, etc.
note that they'd like everything in one place
are satisfied
"I wouldn't say I like manually reminding my parents what they need to pay. And every time I need to control it"
"It's required to have the detailed menu with all the possible allergens for the next week"
"I need to see if the contracts with educators and children are accepted or not"
"It’s hard to come up with activities for every child. I usually have 2-3 options per group"
"It's so hard to keep up with all the updates from the government on required forms"
"I need to control children's presence and make sure they are safe"
"I wanna know what's my child doing in the kindergarten today"
"It's really important to see how my child is developing and what I can do at home for it"
"I like to chat with the educator any time I need"
We've compiled user flows for each user group: administrators, educators, and parents. Based on the personas and surveys, CJMs for the largest use cases were created. Then, from the CJMs and the entire research, we formed hypotheses. Given the platform's extensive scope, we developed hypotheses for the overall application and each part separately.
Hypotheses examples
Educators want to have a list of trusted people who can pick up or bring the child to kindergarten so that they will be sure of the child’s safety
Parents would like to have a chat so that they can contact the educator at any time, and the educator will not have to share his private messengers
Educators need a list of allergies, diseases, and medications in the child's profile, so they can always quickly see it
Educators and kindergarten want to be reminded of the forms that need to be filled out and their deadlines, so the kindergarten will always comply with legal requirements
Educators and kindergarten require children’s achievements and their preferences at the start, this will help in their development and recommending further activities
The hypotheses from the previous step formed the foundation of the interface. We consulted a child development specialist and tested the interface with several administrators, which led to changes in certain parts and the overall workflow.
The UI was designed using Figma. We developed the flow step by step, presenting each page to stakeholders for feedback. As we prepare for the launch, I am conducting a UI review.
On the family page, there are all the children that are subscribed in the kindergarten. For each child, we have all the info about him. Also, it is important to have trusted people here.
Activities are an important part of children's development. All activities are divided into development groups. Educators can choose them based on time to plan/to perform or materials needed.
In Canada, kindergartens are required to fill out and maintain various forms to ensure compliance with provincial regulations, support child safety, and facilitate effective communication.
There is a full list of forms on this page. Users get notifications if actions are required. Forms are filed by each group by its educator.
Inscription contracts
The list of contracts for children and their statuses. They outline the terms and conditions of a child's enrollment in the kindergarten: parents, schedule, child info, etc.
When parents or educators log in, they access a dedicated platform with its own set of features. While we aimed to keep the design consistent with the kindergarten pages to streamline development, some UI elements are unique to other platforms.
Parents can switch between their children's kindergartens to view details, add trusted family members, and plan home activities.